Thursday, 17 May 2018

Statement of intent Website

How do you intend to use the four areas of the media theoretical framework to communicate meaning and meet the requirements of your chosen brief? (approx. 400 words)

The 4 areas of the media theoretical framework:

  • Media Language 
The typography that will be featured on my website will have a mixture of both being somewhat articulate and also somewhat informal, seeing as my website is going to attract both of my segmented target audiences (16-19yrs) x (20-25). As a result this still helps to appeal to both audiences effectively and I plan to dedicate pages to the younger and older audience.

  • Representation
They type of outfits my models may wear will help me specifically represent who I'm targeting, for example with my younger age audience they tend to focus more on the branded clothing for 'image'. The types of camera angles used will mainly feature close ups and mid shots due to the fact that today's generation (13-19yr olds) mainly take 'Selfies' and post those images to their social media and this is one way I will target my audience. On the other hand, the way I will target my target my audience of the older generation (20-25yr old) is by trying to feature more long shots and rule of third camera angle shots because these camera angles can show more of what is currently happening and this could relate to how the older generation has a lot more things to take care of so by showing more space in the image it can show how busy they're and how they're always on the move.

  • audience 
My audience is based on sophisticated 16-25year olds and how I plan to effectively target this target audience is by splitting the target audience into 2 groups (16-19yrs) x (20-25yrs) then by doing this I can really target them effectively. I also plan to make a dedicated video to my audience explain what the website is all about and give a short preview of some outfits the website will be showcasing, along with that I plan to give further details about the website in the video so the audience has an even better understanding

  • Genre
My images may follow any particular genre convention (this may change when actually taking my photos), what I do know is that when I'm targeting my audience of 16-25 year olds I want to focus on trying to capture what those generations believe to be the key thing for them at that time.
Also, with my older audience (20-25year olds) I may follow the genre of blurred traffic and people moving past them, this represents the generations idea of "growing up" and "going at their own pace" because 20-25year olds are at that stage where they're at uni or just leaving, they're going into full time employment, some are already getting married and having children.  I don't have any particular photographers in mind that have used this style of photo just because it is very common yet very effective and it tells a story that we all seem to understand just by the image itself.

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